Gutenberg Meets Bell Labs Transistor
Antique Wood Type and Gutenberg Bible 72 x 84 inches
New York Public Library, 3rd Floor Reading Room |
Through the Gateway, Jefferson Memorial ARCH Museum, 9 x 4 feet, St. Louis, MO
Live ЖитЬ, Antique Cyrillic Wood Type 47 x 35 inches US Library of Congress
Our Neighbors, Western Oasis Theater, Desert Museum, Tucson, AZ
Associated Press Commission 5 x 7 feet, 2012, Associated Press office, NYC
(Detail) Building Blocks for News, Associated Press, Lobby, NYC, 2012, 5' x 7'
A Mississippi Puzzle, Fogge Art Museum, Davenport, IA, 4' x 9'
A Newspaper's Seeds, Newspaper Association of America, Arlington, VA, 4' x 10'
Aspen Institute Lobby, Washington, DC, 2012
To My Beloved... University of Illinois, School of Media, Champaign-Urbana, Illinois, 2012, 3 1/2' x 12'
Shockley Meets Gutenberg, University of Arizona, Conference Room, College of Science, 4' x 8'
Emma Farms Cattle Company Commission, 2011, 3' x 6'